Thursday, May 8, 2014


In manga you have that couple that is inseparable and seem perfect for each other. That usually never happens to people. That is why people dive into manga and leave life all together. Otaku's get addicted to it and it is hard to feel like life or anything else will be better then manga. I have no relationships that made me happy, so I cannot quote you on love. I also have never loved anyone before so I also cannot teach you about love. If you want to talk to me about your love stories email me about it and I am a good listener. My friend told me that the single friends are okay at advice. Let me clarify there are usually two single friend types who tell advice. The first one is the one who hates that there friend is in a relationship and they are not. They will either give them the worse advice or they will give them advice that they will never do. The second one is the one who helps there friend out even if they want to be in a relationship at the moment. The friend's feelings first and their feelings last. I am the second type and I will explain why I am not in a relationship. I am single because I try not to go for looks, but in the end everyone usually go for looks. I will not go for someone if they do not have a good personality. Since I have not found someone I have been a single guy for a while. I am kind of tired of being single now, but I am patient and even if I got together recently with a women, I would leave them if they tried to control me or try to trap me with sex. Hit me up at and I will write whenever, so bye.

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