Tuesday, June 21, 2016

How are you hating on people when are someone that doesn't like hate?

     On Sunday I was staying at a friend's apartment and we were just hanging out. I hang out with him because he seems like a pretty cool guy, but he isn't the best. I should have been able to tell that he wasn't a great person because he will say something like, "he is okay with a certain group of people, but." You don't say that type of thing unless you don't want to sound like you are being hateful.
      Apparently Magic Johnson has a son that is gay and he is very flamboyant. He wears clothes that makes him happy. It could be considered women's clothing, but it shouldn't matter what he wears. So, this "friend", thinks that it is shameful for him to wear all of that because his father is Magic Johnson. If his father wasn't someone that survived a disease and hadn't been famous, you would be okay with it.
      Listen, that is his life so you should let him live it instead of being judgmental. I hate people sometimes. Also, I have an article up on Odyssey, so read and look at stuff, I guess. Trying not to drop this guy entirely.


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