Friday, September 11, 2015


Looking at my life all I can say is that I am broken. A kid that went to too many funerals in his life and knows what it means to be broke. The fear of having no money so you stay at a relative's place is known well in this 20 year old's mind. It seems that this fate will follow me to the end because even though I try for a job, it seems like none of them want to call me back. If I do get money it is not enough to live because the funds only cover as much as I can get full. It is only when you do not have money that your stomach can handle not being full. Truthfully, that is the worst and it seems my fully cracked window will be broken tomorrow. I had to have my father pay for my rent and that really pissed me of that I had to do it. He did not pay the late fees so I have a feeling I will get kicked out for the 100 dollars that I owe and it was the late fees that were not paid. I need money so I can live near by school and attend. Then again even when I do get money for living expenses I know I will not be able to live off of it for a long time. I need a job, but no one wants to call me back. I have to go to school on monday to see if there is any work study jobs available. That will only work if I do not get kicked out tomorrow. Let us hope that I am not broken today.

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