Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I guess my hair is okay, but I would rather it straight.

     New York is the worst place, correction you will get insults for anything you do. I believe I told you before that my hair was very bad in high school, I got insults daily to cut it, but I didn't. I just wanted it long and that was it. If I cut it then it would never get better and I wouldn't be able to improve it in the future. You can't tell that to teenagers because they have no care in the world and they feel hurting you is better. The worst thing is getting insulted by someone that gets insulted on an everyday basis. He is short and wore Skechers every day, but I didn't call him against it, everybody else did. The thing is, if I got a haircut I would be made fun off, but people always find something to make fun of you. So you just keep the one thing that you are made fun of so that your other defaults don't come to light.
     There was someone who was always a jokester in class and made fun of everyone. He is good looking, acts, raps, and to my knowledge badly does comedy. I would say his name, but I would be giving him more air time and I don't want that to happen. Like I said, people would make fun of what my hair looked liked. My hair is curly, but very dry and the curls like headphones get wrapped up together and get tangled. Nothing I could help at the time, even now it does that, but I do not have to pull out the hair that is tangled.
     I like my hair straight and no I don't feel like I want to be white because I want my hair straight. I am mixed, but a mix that basically just equates to being black. I am native american Blackfoot and I am Trinidadian. I feel more at home with my native american side and I always wondered why I never had long hair. My hair color, my original hair color is brown and black, yes two different colors. It looks like one color though, but I kind of didn't like it because I would have these long black hairs and these brown curly hairs. I just one of the two, but I didn't get that.
     What I am trying to say is that sometimes it gets better and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes the bullies get ahead in life even though they don't deserve it. It sucks I know, but we just need to focus on ourself, so that someday we can love who we are.

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