Thursday, March 24, 2016

Swim trunks, dance, and broken headphones

     So, it was day two of the three day car wash and I didn't get washing duty today. The reason that I wanted washing duty was because I wore my swim trunks. I wore them so that I could get wet, and I didn't get wet at all. I am pretty sad, but that wasn't the thing that mad my day bad. So, I skated to the place of the car wash and after denying to hold a sign, a block later I fall. I mess up my hands a little, my phone and headphones separated and this is when I should have put the two together. I should have wrapped my headphones around my phone, but I was bleeding.
     I didn't realize till an hour later that I didn't have my headphones on me, I looked for it and after observing, I found it in the street. I held a little funeral for it outside of Walgreens and went inside to buy new headphones. Now this is the part that shocked me, I was waiting behind this woman and I said hello and smiled at her. This is pretty normal behavior for me. When it was my turn at the register, I was asked if I had a rewards card and the answer will always be no. I don't go to Walgreens because CVS is closer to me. Anyway this woman lets me use her card and then puts down two dollars and tells the cashier to put it towards my purchase. I still have the two dollars because I don't carry bills on my person.
     I go about my day and I remember back to that event and I actually start dancing while holding up the sign. I wanted to get into it and I felt less embarrassed. I didn't say the woman's race because at the end of the day it doesn't matter what race she is because she did something that didn't benefit her in anyway and I respect that. The rest of the day was dancing like a fool holding a sign and going back to the school to attend a writer's panel. That was very informative and fun, I learned a lot from writers in the field right now.
     On my I am so lonely news, the girl that I have been talking to hasn't text me back. She is one of the two girls that I am interested in, but wouldn't be mad if we stayed friends. The thing is, if you don't text me back, I can't really get to know you. At this point there really isn't anything I can do, I sent a message that required more than a yes or no reply. I sent about 5 text already, so you already know that I am not going to text her anymore. At this point she has to text me or I don't have anymore tries and I can't continue. I haven't gotten anything so far, but when she texts me I will tell you all about it, but for now I will keep my feelings trapped inside. Like I always have and how it will always be.
     I should be staying inside for most of the day tomorrow, but I will try to put up an interesting post.

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