Tuesday, March 29, 2016

What is like like

     I understand that you can like a person, but the last time I have ever heard someone say like like was in middle school. I get what you are trying to say, but the concept is lost on me. If you are asking me if I like you in a relationship type of way, I would understand that. I like people, but I have never liked a person enough to add another like to it. I like both of the girls that I am talking to, but I like them in different ways. One girl is closer to my age, so I can talk to her and even if she is busy I will get a response in a day. The other girl I am talking to is younger and I will text her and she will not respond until she feels like it. You see why I said I like both of them, but it is a different sort of like.
     I have been rejected by online magazines and girls, sadly getting rejected by online magazines hurt more. I could have gotten exposure by being published in a magazine, maybe I would have gotten paid. That is why it hurts so much more and also I like to go to the movies and the park because they are usually places you hang out at. I love to skate, so if there is a park nearby, I am going to it because that is how I relax. I don't really care if you think that a place I chose is romantic, one it isn't a date, and two I don't want to date you.
     I don't like like you, I barely tolerate you. So, I told this girl that I was only sexually attracted to her. This is why you don't send things to people when you are really depressed about life and it didn't help that it was raining. It prevented me from skating, the only thing that really calms me down. So I walked and thought about the wrong things. I basically burnt a bridge along the way and I truthfully don't care. I am dedicating tomorrow to exploring and finding happiness. I need more skater friends.

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