Monday, March 28, 2016

Maintaining bodily hair

     I would love to say that I know everything about shaving, but sadly I have no real reason to shave. I just started to grow facial hair and that is kind of sad because I am about to turn 21. The only thing I have is a mustache and side burns. It is not like I want to be a hairy person, it just bothers me that people my age and younger have more facial hair than me, but that isn't what this post is about. So, I shave my mustache every so often because I don't like how I look without it and I feel that it should grow be shaved at times. It is basically what defines me at this point. My side burns finally connect to my face, so that is a plus.
     The worst thing about your father not being in the picture is that you aren't taught about manscaping. Then again I wouldn't want my father to talk about manscaping anyway. Thanks dad for giving me the talk when I was 17, South Park already gave me the talk. Well, a lot of the shows did that for me. Like most guys I try to shave the lower regions of my body every month or two because after a while it starts to bother me if I don't. I don't want to get gross because you already know what I look like and we don't need to get that close. I never shave a certain part because I am afraid I will cut it and I am scared of doing that, even though I have researched how to do it successfully. I also didn't know that guys weren't suppose to shave their legs, like I said absentee father. I don't really have a lot of leg hair, it is just curly and spaced out.
     Since we are talking about hair, lets talk about head hair. I wash my hair every week because that is when I was told to wash it. Dye has killed my hair, but I am trying to keep it alive, somehow. For some weird reason, by dyeing my hair, my hair has become curlier. I have these bigger curly spirals in my hair from time to time. I don't know what caused it, but I like it. I really hope that I do something tomorrow because today was a chill with my roommate and write day.

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