Saturday, April 2, 2016

Riding around with a big wad of cash?

     When I make a post I either will tell you something that I personally experienced or something I have thoughts on. There are times when you can't even make things up because it is too unbelievable. My roommate and I are walking back from the store when we see this guy on a thing that shouldn't be called a hoverboard. He had a large sum of money rolled up in his hands and I have never wanted to steal from someone before that moment. It wasn't because I was broke, no, it was because he had it out in the open and was playing with it. Why would you play with a large amount of money, in the open.
     You wouldn't do that in New York because someone would either rob you their self or call up some one and get them to rob you. I want to believe that he was a cop or was filming some kind of skit where they see who wants to steal the money. He didn't seem like he needed the money, but I wasn't going to steal it, because we were near a busy street. Wouldn't be smart to steal a block away from your apartment complex. Sometimes people weird me out and I don't really understand why they do things.
      On that note I shaved my face and now I don't have a mustache. It always feels weird and I can't wait for it to grow back. I hope everyone enjoyed my first video if you watched it. The next video will be post next week and I will put the link in the blog post for that day. Don't go outside with money in your hands because it is highly likely that you will get robbed.

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