Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hate among the known

     I have my problems, but my biggest problem is with my mother and her sneaky friends. My thing is that I should be able to do whatever I want with my hair, but then again when you have the mentality that black people can only have certain colors in their hair, you have a problem. I got out of class not that long ago and she basically hit me with a bunch of shit telling me that I cannot get a job with blonde hair. That if she was rich and I didn't have to work a day in my life then I could do it, but not now. I should cut it off and restart the whole process, but I don't care.
     I have spent most of my life putting my self in a shell and now I am free, but people don't see that. They see that a black kid dyed their hair and that they must be crazy for doing that. I am as sane, never mind, but I can do what I want to do at this point. I don't do drugs at all, but they see a kid with blonde hair and they want to judge me. I want to go on Facebook and tell whoever told my mother about my photo that I did it because I wanted to. I didn't do it anyone else, so they can leave keep their opinion about me.
    I am a little mad and I hate the negativity in my life, so I will just finish this post and try to forget all about today.

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