Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Torturing myself for the betterment of myself

     I got none of my work done today and the reason was, that I had a packed day with the exception of three hours. I spent about two hours gaming and the last parts using the bathroom and I went straight back out. I guess it would help telling you exactly what I did today wouldn't it. My day started exactly at 8:00 and like most mornings it wasn't my favorite. Mainly because I had to get up at 8 and not 9.
     I made it to my photo shoot at 9:25, probably. I know I was early because I was the first one there. I have never had so many pictures taken of myself. I wasn't the only one there and the people I talked to were really cool. It was just one person in particular that got most of my attention. The reason wasn't because she was pretty, no it was because we actually had to look deeply in each others eyes for a shot. If I was in a shot with other people, she would be there soon enough. There isn't anything wrong with that at all, but why was that needed.
     Have the tallest people be together because that is what people want to see. The shoot lasted till 12:30 and I got her Facebook. I skated for the photo shoot and I thought that I was done, then she put on the hat. She put on her hat and the lady in charge wanted a photo of her with her hat on. At this point we were already America's favorite couple, so we took photos together. That was the final picture and that is when we separated from each other.
      I went to go eat a sub because I knew that I would be on campus all day. When I finished eating I went straight to the meeting for the Jem fan project. Yay. I went to go and see exactly what we had to do and it was basically a meeting about putting the word out there and letting people know that there is a production happening. I don't like to post on my twitter page because I never know what I should put on there and the only things that go on there are my vines. So, if you want to look them up on twitter you will search for Orlando Jem Fans. I am not going to push them down your throat because that is not what you do to people that you like.
     After that I went back to the apartment, played a game, got my mask, did something gross, and went back out. The last part of my day was watching a movie called Boondock Saints. I wasn't looking at it as a new viewer, but as someone taking apart the movie. I like the movie, but there were parts that could have been different. On a brighter note I saw the other girl I usually talk to because she sat next to me during the movie. The one that barely talks to me has class now and I am a little bit happy to tell you the truth. We talked a little today and I really don't think this friendship will last between us.

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